
Zhi Flower and Gem Essence Combinations

£ 7.35
This 15ml "Aura Protector" combination essence contains a combination of Hawaiian Aloe, Amazon Sword Plant and Kou, French Rosy Garlic, Pennyroyal, Sage, Viola Odorata, Yarrow, Amazonite, Andalusite, Astrophyllite, Aqua Aura, Black Tourmaline, Jet, Kunzite, Labradorite, Nuumite, Obsidian, Rutilated Quartz, (natural) Smoky Quartz, and Shungite flower and gem essences.

Keywords: Aura protection, warding off ill-wishes, negative thoughts and intent to harm, repelling entities, energy vampires and negative energies, releasing vows, hooks and curses, blocking electromagnetic stress, microwave and mobile phone emanations, removing subtle implants.
Aura Protector deflects and detaches negative energies and entities from one's aura, and also stops others from draining one's energy. It blocks psychic attacks and protects one from geopathic stress, Earth radiation and electromagnetic pollution. It offers a cloak of psychic protection to those working in negative environments, and discourages malevolent or parasitic energies from interfering with one's energy field. It activates one's connection with higher vibrational realms, to release negative energies from one's auric field. It instils inner peace through linking the heart, thymus and throat chakras, and releases fear and stress.
Links to hormones, eyes, brain, insulin, kidneys, nerves, high blood pressure, the immune system, spinal column.
CALM SEAS (Zhi Essence)
£ 7.35
This 15ml Calm Seas essence contains a combination of Almond, French Blue Gromwell, White Chestnut, Azurite, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Jade, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Chrysoprase, Erythrite, Lithium Quartz, Larimar, Preseli Bluestone, Sodalite and Vanadinite flower and gem essences.
Keywords: For overactive minds non-stop mental chatter, for mental burn-out, mental agitation, troubled minds, mental stress and confusion, emotional shock. Meditational aid, relaxation, soothing, contentment, calming, peace of mind, security, quiet reflection, tranquillity, equilibrium, serenity, going with the flow and releasing anxiety.Calm Seas essence can be used for either inducing a meditational state, or for calming the mind after a worrying, frightening or stressful experience. It promotes tranquillity and equilibrium, and dispels internal mental chatter, eliminates mental confusion, and calms troubled minds. When relaxing and focusing on achieving a meditational state, Calm Seas fills the subtle bodies with Universal energy, to create a sense of internal security and sacredness, in which to open up one's subtle faculties to higher frequencies. It aligns the chakras, helps to raise one's consciousness, and stimulates the opening of the third eye, for unhindered clairvoyant communication. Enchances sound healing.
Links to nervous system, neck and shoulder tension, lungs, mucus membranes and lymph.
GOLDEN RAYS (Zhi Essence)
£ 7.35
This 15ml Golden Rays essence contains a combination of French Calendula, Hawaiian Kamani and Kou, French Peony, Wild Garlic, Andalusite, Angel Aura Quartz, Aqua Aura, Azurite, Carnelian, Citrine, Erythrite, Gold Azeztulite, Golden Labradorite, Kunzite, Labradorite, Obsidian, Rutilated Quartz and Sunstone flower and gem essences.
Keywords: Well-being, inner sunshine, aura energising, life force enhancement, maintaining personal boundaries, protection from energy vampirism, light activator, aura shield, dispelling negativity from others, strengthening and grounding, radiance, infusing energy field with light energy.
Golden Rays essence is for radiant, happy and often very successful people, who find themselves surrounded by hangers-on, needy relatives or energy vampires, all of whom want take some of their energies. These radiant people are often in charity or caring professions, and it is the nature of their calling to care for the needs of others in pain or trouble, to the best of their ability. They usually have hearts of gold, and do not like to say "no" to anyone, but are often pushed to the limits of their endurance by other people's demands and neediness. Golden Rays re-energises all levels of one's being with brilliant golden light. It clears the aura and chakras of astral parasites, psychic cords and hooks, and repels negative energy from others. It activates the throat, solar plexus and heart chakras, and aligns and purifies all the chakras. It strengthens one's core energy at every level, and promotes the creation of strong subtle boundaries, in order to prevent one's good nature from being abused. It helps one to stop continually making personal sacrifices for others, and to learn to say "no". It motivates one for continued successfulness, joy, hope and optimism, and protects one against the resentment, judgement or jealousy of others. It also helps to lighten the duty load, by encouraging one to feel less overwhelmed by what are perceived as one's life's responsibilities.
Links to nervous system, respiratory tract, metabolism, digestion, body fluids, kidneys, bladder, heart , lower back, depression, bones and ligaments.
£ 7.35
This15ml essence contains a combination of French Rose, Chrysoprase, Halite, Hiddenite, Honey Calcite, Morganite, Peridot, Diamond, Rose Quartz, Seraphinite, Rutilated Quartz, Blue Chalcedony, Smithsonite and Yellow Beryl flower and gem essences.
Keywords: Gratitude, goodwill, love, gratefulness, self-respect, satisfaction, contentment, fulfilment, ungratefulness, alleviating childhood hurt, rejection or lack of love, chronic dissatifaction, pessimistic outlook, inner child healing.Gratitude essence opens the heart chakra to promote gratefulness, thanks and apprection for the good things we already have in our lives, the challenges we have overcome and the goals we have already attained. It encourages us to perceive how the lessons and trials of life can be put to positive, practical use. It helps to release chronic dissatification, by making us aware of all the good things in life we are lucky to have, such as good health, a loving partner, a roof over our heads, money for a holiday, a meal out or some entertainment, a cause of laughter or joy, enough to eat, a comfortable bed etc., so that our subconscious mind can focus on attracting more of the things that make us happy and grateful, rather than attracting more of the things we don't want or we or don't like. Gratitude essence stimulates an optimistic outlook and self-respect, whilst promoting the release of old emotional baggage and negative belief patterns. It can also make us aware about how we can negatively affect others with harsh or unnecessary comments about our views or beliefs. It encourages us to pause and think before we spoil others' enjoyment of life.
ZING (Zhi Essence)
£ 7.35
Zing 15ml essence contains the mentally stimulating combination of Basil, Hawaiian Papaya and Pua Pilo, Elderflower, Peppermint, Sage, Carnelian, Citrine, Fluorite, Golden Labradorite, Goshenite, Heliotrope, Peridot, Pyrite and Tiger Iron flower and gem essences.
Keywords: Uplifting, mental stimulation and strengthening, grounding, mental clarity and focus, vibrancy, vigour, refreshing, reviving, mental rejuvenation, stamina, grounding, intellectual fatigue, mental burn-out, exhaustion, brain fag, mental lethargy, feeling spaced-out, foggy-headed or "not with it".
This essence is designed to be mentally rejuvenating. It enhances the ability to think clearly and logically, and is very helpful to those suffering from mental exhaustion or brain fag, or needing to achieve a work deadline. It helps to restore the will to achieve one's goals. By aligning the meridians, cleansing and realigning the energies of the lower chakras to ground one, and by stimulating the base and solar plexus chakras, Zing essence strengthens, sharpens and focuses the mind, whilst counteracting spaciness, confusion and foggy-headedness. It also cleanses, energises and stabilises the aura, to protect one's subtle energy fields from negative psychic influences, that are more likely to have an effect when one's energies are low.
Links to headaches, sinusitis, metabolism, eyes, heart, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, blood circulation, memory enhancement, digestive tract and lungs.