
Hawaiian Selection Flower Essences

A'ALI'I - Healing the Heart
£ 6.35
A'ALI'I - Healing the Heart

This shrub has heart-shaped seeds of red, brown and yellow, that rattle in the wind, high up the slopes of the Hawaiian volcanoes. The essence heals the heart of those who have been hurt through deep personal disagreements or betrayal in love, leading to the lack of trust in anyone. Essence helps one to pick up the pieces, cope positively with any backlash from the past, and regain a positive attitude towards others.
AKIA - Make Life Fun
£ 6.35
AKIA - Make Life Fun

This native shrub bears pretty little fragrant yellow flowers, and is found in gardens and in the wild. Essence releases the feeling of being utterly overwhelmed by the everyday problems and never-ending demands of life. It enables one to see the bigger picture, concentrate on the most important things in life, and still have time for some fun.
ALOE - (Panini-awa awa) - Aura Repair
£ 6.35
ALOE - (Panini-awa awa) - Aura Repair

This Hawaiian Aloe thrives in hot, arid rocky conditions. The primary use of this flower essence is to mend holes or tears in the aura. The aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds our physical body. It is a shield that protects us from negative external energies and thought patterns from other beings and the cosmos. Holes in the aura can be caused by witnessing deeply traumatic experiences, or by the use of mind altering substances (such as anaesthetics, over-use of alcohol, social drugs and certain medicines that affect one's behaviour). Some of these causes weaken and shrink the auric envelope until it is so thin that holes start to appear in it. Certain mind-altering substances can expand our energy fields outwards, enabling us to become much more aware of the unseen world around us and of other's thoughts, but uncontrolled, unguarded expansion also leads to tears and holes in the auric shield. As holes appear, our life-giving energy, (our physical vitality, emotional stability and mental focus) starts to drain away through the holes. Also, certain people (energy vampires) can much more easily drain us of energy, and negative entities and thought forms can more easily influence our minds, emotions and beliefs. This is why, after suffering deep trauma or using mind-altering substances, a person may start to suffer from panic attacks, becomes over-anxious/over-sensitive, or develops all kinds of phobias. Aloe flower essence (and also certain gem essences, such as Pink Tourmaline, Blue Chalcedony and Guardianite) attract a large amount of white light into the auric field to close up the holes and tears, and restore one's aura to to its normal vibrant state.
£ 6.35

Amazon Swordplant is a water plant with soft white flowers and lance-shaped leaves ending in sharp points - hence it's name. This flower essence cuts through lies, deceit and misinformation in order to clear emotional blocks, which are due to past or present trauma, suppression, cultural programming, brainwashing or lack of care and love experienced in childhood. It improves self-esteem and stimulates harmony in relationships, so that deep-felt emotions can be consciously understood, safely voiced and subsequently be released.
ANGEL'S TRUMPET - (Nana-honua) - Calling Spirit
£ 6.35
ANGEL'S TRUMPET - (Nana-honua) - Calling Spirit

This essence, made from the large, trumpet-shaped white and peach flowers, helps those people who have lost touch with their intuitive or spiritual side, and are hostile to anything that cannot be proved by science. Essence helps them to accept that there is more than just the physical side of existence. It releases the fear of death or anything otherworldly.
BAMBOO ORCHID - Life Purpose
£ 6.35
BAMBOO ORCHID - Life Purpose

This happy little native orchid, nodding it's dainty little pink and white flowers in the trade winds that caress the islands, is now a rare sight in Hawaii, Essence intuitively promotes a sense of inner direction towards one's life purpose, especially when one has become frustrated with not knowing what special skills one should focus on. It stimulates confidence and trust in one's abilities and talents.
BANANA POKA - (Passionflower) - Lack of Control
£ 6.35
BANANA POKA - (Passionflower) - Lack of Control

Although very pretty, this pink-flowered relative of the Passionflower vine has escaped from cultivation, and vigorously rampaged all over the Hawaiian lowland jungles. The essence is designed to help those who have problems in controlling their behaviour. It stimulates co-operation with others, and calms those exhibiting wild, hyperactive, aggressive or out-of-order behaviour. Dietary advice should also be sought, in particular on junk food, sugar and artificial colourings.
BLUE GINGER - Fear of Known Things
£ 6.25
BLUE GINGER - Fear of Known Things

Much valued in Hawaii, Blue Ginger is one of the few true blue flowers found in cultivation there. The long stems of indigo flowers with striking white eyes produce an essence to instil courage and strength into highly-strung and easily frightened people. It helps them to face their everyday fears, such as fear of strangers, new things, travelling, the dark etc. Essence de-sensitises the subconscious stimulus, stemming from childhood or past lives, to over-react to things that it believes will now endanger their well-being.
£ 6.25

A prolific creeper with lots of attractive magenta flower bracts. Essence encourages inspiration and enthusiasm. It prevents doubts, anxiety and fear of others' disapproval from getting in the way of a good idea or project. Discourages over-reaction in a crisis.
CHENILLE - Severing Emotional Ties
£ 6.35
CHENILLE - Severing Emotional Ties

The essence made from these unusual, long, trailing tails of magenta flowers, cuts emotional ties formed through duty, sexual desire, programming or emotional blackmail, that keep one held in an unhealthy, negative or harmful emotional relationship.
CHINESE VIOLET - Keeping It All Together
£ 6.35
CHINESE VIOLET - Keeping It All Together

A pretty rambling, ground cover plant with lavender flowers. The essence gives one the wisdom and strength of character to know when to say no, and to know when one is being detrimentally overstretched, so that the need for leisure and rest can be acted upon, despite work pressure, or others' demands, needs or emotional bullying.
COFFEE - "Can Do"
£ 6.25
COFFEE - "Can Do"

Stimulates a positive attitude and clears the mind. Discourages sluggishness and apathy. When taken over a period of time essence clears the subtle bodies of the toxic effects of coffee and other stimulants, so that addiction to these substances can be overcome.
COTTON - (Ma'o) - Fearing the Worst
£ 6.35
COTTON - (Ma'o) - Fearing the Worst

Releases the fear of constantly worrying that something bad might happen to one's loved ones, the job or something one values. Essence lessens a pessimistic outlook or apprehension about the future, and emphasises the importance of focussing on and expecting good fortune. Helps one to meet future challenges with courage and optimism.
CREPE MYRTLE - Speak Out Without Fear
£ 6.35
CREPE MYRTLE - Speak Out Without Fear

Essence encourages those who are shy or nervous to state their needs, and speak up for themselves with confidence, and without embarrassment or fear of offending someone.
CROWN FLOWER - Independence
£ 6.35
CROWN FLOWER - Independence

Instils courage and inner strength in those who are afraid of being on their own. Essence is for helping people to overcome the need to use emotional blackmail or ill health to maintain their over-dependence and control of others.
CUP OF GOLD - Fear of the Unknown
£ 6.35
CUP OF GOLD - Fear of the Unknown

Essence is made from a vigorous tropical tree creeper, which produces enormous golden-cupped flowers, that infuse the twilight air with their soft, dreamy fragrance. Essence instils deep inner calm and a sense of security in those who perceive danger around every corner. Also for those who are prone to panic attacks with little or no provocation. Alleviates fear of fear.
GOLD TREE - Carefree Spirit
£ 6.35
GOLD TREE - Carefree Spirit

The essence made from this spring-flowering tropical tree, with its vivid golden yellow flowers, promotes light-heartedness and joy. It helps to release the everyday worries of life that build up over time, leading to a sense of unease and worry about the negative aspects of life. Vanquishes the feeling that life is a struggle, where the belief has caused a habitual state of anxiety and tension. Promotes the making of right choices at the right time.
GUAVA - The Value of Mistakes
£ 6.35
GUAVA - The Value of Mistakes

Brings the ability to accept and learn from mistakes without feeling inadequate or stupid. Helps those who won't try anything new in case they make a mistake. Eliminates competitive need to constantly prove oneself right, due to fear of being seen as a failure. Links to physical flexibility and fluid balance.
HAU - Calming Extreme Nervous Stress
£ 6.25
HAU - Calming Extreme Nervous Stress

Soothes those who are overwhelmed by anxiety, or who are unable to cope with a traumatic situation. Essence has a calming and balancing effect on the nerves of those suffering from hysteria or out of control emotions.
HELICONIA - Attention Seeking Issues
£ 6.25
HELICONIA - Attention Seeking Issues

This essence, made from the scarlet and bright yellow bracts of a ginger like plant, brings inner contentment and self-assurance to needy, attention-seeking people. It stimulates an understanding of others' needs, importance and talents, without the need to feel jealous, inferior or of lesser value.
HIBISCUS - Releasing Memory of Abuse
£ 6.25
HIBISCUS - Releasing Memory of Abuse

This essence, made from the amazing deep gold, tropical hibiscus flowers, restores emotional balance in those who are afraid of intimacy in personal relationships, due to past emotional or sexual abuse trauma. Heals soul loss and shock to the emotional body.
HINAHINA  KU KAHAKAI -  Empowered Lady
£ 6.25

This is an ocean-side herb with tiny white flower clusters. Essence restores self esteem, self-worth and the ability to make choices that benefit one's own needs. Promotes self-reliance in those used to being dominated by others. Especially helpful for liberating women who subjugate their own desires or talents, to the detriment of their own natural personal advancement, by always putting their spouse, parent or children first.
ILI-AHI - Releasing Stuck Energy
£ 6.35
ILI-AHI - Releasing Stuck Energy

Essence stimulates mental and emotional flexibility. Also amplifies effect of other essences. For those with rigid, inflexible ways that lead to escalating levels of stress, and difficulty in relaxing at night.
ILIMA - Dispelling Illusions
£ 6.35
ILIMA - Dispelling Illusions

This little yellow beachside bloom is the national flower of Oahu, and the cultivated version may be seen growing all along the promenade in Waikiki. The essence releases narrow-minded tendencies and hostility towards the spiritual views of others, due to cultural programming or religious dogma
IMPATIENS (Hawaiian) - Calming Anger
£ 6.35
IMPATIENS - Calming Anger

Encourages patience and tolerance in those who get easily annoyed and aggressive with others, and who over-react to the little problems of everyday life. It stops them going on and on about some minor detail that wouldn't matter to anyone else.
IXORA - Accepting Change
£ 6.35
IXORA - Accepting Change

Essence encourages interest and enthusiasm in present circumstances. Helpful for those who find it difficult to adjust to changing circumstances, because they hate change. Dispels homesickness or unresolved grief, and releases a continuing sense of loss, which has prevented one from leaving the past behind.
£ 6.35

To either side of the road on the lower slopes of Haleakala, Maui's highest volcano, the lilac clusters of the Jacaranda trees create magic against the dazzling backdrop of the azure blue sky. When collecting flowers for the essence the feathery leaves and fragrant clusters of flowers create a calming, safe and magically entrancing canopy over one's head. The essence promotes clear-headedness, decisiveness and the ability to focus. De-flusters and helps one to "finish the job in hand". Deters dithering, procrastination and constant mind changing.
JATROPHA - Spirit of Fairness
£ 6.25
JATROPHA - Spirit of Fairness

Restores self-esteem and an ability to assert one's individual rights. Helpful for those whose dependability has led to them being , used, abused, unappreciated or used as scapegoats.
KAMANI - Cleansing Negative Energies
£ 6.35
KAMANI - Cleansing Negative Energies

Kamani flowers make a potent essence for protecting a person, and special or sacred places from profanity, disrespect, and ignorant, negative or insensitive people. Neutralises negative energies. Dissolves subtle body blockages which prevent sensitivity and result in hard-heartedness.
KOA - Feeling Fulfilled
£ 6.35
KOA - Feeling Fulfilled

In ancient times the highland jungles of all the Hawaiian islands were crowned with the fragile, small, lemon pom-pom flowers of the Koa hardwood trees. This is an inspirational essence that promotes optimism and contentment at the deepest level of being. It eases the feeling of inner emptiness and depression that those suffering from a lack of childhood nurturing or soul loss, can't help sinking back into whenever life gets tough.
KOU - Maintaining Personal Boundaries
£ 6.35
KOU - Maintaining Personal Boundaries

The essence, made from the bright orange, nasturtium-like flower of this tree promotes strong personal, subtle boundaries around those who are easily affected by the negative energies of other people or lower astral entities, especially when in crowds or bars.
KUKUI - Emotional Support
£ 6.35
KUKUI - Emotional Support

This essence promotes calm in those who are deeply anxious, agitated, angry or frustrated, or experiencing explosive emotions in a personal relationship. Dissipates emotionally charged situations and deep-seated, subconscious fears. Particularly helpful for toddlers, children and teenagers going though stubborn phrases, experiencing "growing-up" difficulties or undergoing hormonal changes, and for agitation, emotional crises and anxiety without cause, often experienced during the menopause.
LA'AU AILA - (Castor Bean) - Calm in a Crisis
£ 6.25
LA'AU AILA - (Castor Bean) - Calm in a Crisis

Stimulates the ability to remain unfazed by the crises of life. Maintains an undisturbed inner peace no matter where you are, or what difficulties arise. Particularly useful as a calming agent and inner Strengthener for those who have become over-sensitive to their own and others' emotions and fears.
LANI ALI'I - (Alamanda) - Making the Right Decision
£ 6.25
LANI ALI'I - (Alamanda) - Making the Right Decision

This essence is made from the spectacular deep gold Alamanda flowers that adorn the front gardens of many island homes. It brings wisdom, inspires, and strengthens the will-power when needing to take important decisions. It enhances judgement skills, and brings confidence in one's abilities to those in positions of authority, who are feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities.
LOTUS (Pink)  - (Nelumbo nucifer) - Pure Harmony
£ 6.35
LOTUS (Pink) - (Nelumbo nucifer) - Pure Harmony

The Pink Lotus essence encourages harmony and balance in every aspect of life. It opens and harmonises the chakras, and brings them into alignment with the meridians, nadis and subtle bodies. Overcomes stress. Calms the mind. Neutralises states of toxicity that prevent vibrational essences from healing. Amplifies effects of other flower essences. Cleanses and strengthens the aura. Provides support structure for any healing activity, and ensures client will avoid a healing crisis following treatment.
Links to crown chakra, pineal gland, heart, liver, spleen, tissue repair, longevity, obsessive states.

Please note if you would like to order the White Lotus essence instead of the Pink Lotus essence please order this Pink Lotus essence and let me know in the shipping information box or send me an email ( that you would like the White Lotus essence instead.
The White Lotus flower essence instils purity of mind and heart.It promotes spiritual transformation to enable the removal of emotional, mental or subtle body blocks that prevent the return of lost soul parts due to past trauma or curses. It promotes serenity and calms tempers.
MACADAMIA - Love of Co-operation
£ 6.25
MACADAMIA - Love of Co-operation

Liberates those stuck in delinquent patterns of behaviour, due to being dominated, suppressed or poorly managed in childhood. Instigates order and understanding, as thought patterns that cause reactionary and destructive behaviour are safely disengaged.
MAI'A - (Banana) - Balancing Male Sexual Energies
£ 6.25
MAI'A - (Banana) - Balancing Male Sexual Energies

Encourages balance in male libido, decreasing an excess of desire and increasing it where it is weak. Essence also helps to overcome tendencies towards sexual obsession or perversion.
MAMANE - Clarity
£ 6.25
MAMANE - Clarity

Shrub grows at high altitude on the slopes of the Hawaiian Volcanoes. The essence, from it's bright yellow, pea-shaped flowers links one to higher realms to resolve conflicting beliefs, especially religious ones, that have negatively influenced one's life. It improves understanding and tolerance of other's beliefs, and brings a sense of inner contentment.
MANGO - Raised Conscience
£ 6.25
MANGO - Raised Conscience

General tonic - lightens mood. Increases one's ability to assimilate higher frequencies of light energy to assist spiritual growth. Releases predatory intentions. Inspires an awakening of conscience in those who selfishly exploit, manipulate, bully or deceive others. Lessens desire for denser foods such as meat.
Links to heart, throat, brow, tenth and twelfth chakras, neurological tissues, psora miasm, pituitary gland, energy flow balance, ageing process. 
MELASTOMA - Forgiveness
£ 6.25
MELASTOMA - Forgiveness

Releases paranoid thoughts of being wronged, victimised or belittled. Encourages trust in new relationships. Releases grudges, feelings of revenge and "chips on the shoulder". Vitality and well-being are restored, as knots of resentment lodged in etheric body are dissolved.
MEXICAN CREEPER - Love of Appreciation
£ 6.25
MEXICAN CREEPER - Love of Appreciation

Boosts sense of self-worth and acceptance of individual uniqueness. Heals emotional wounds where one has continually felt the need to take the victim or underdog role in a personal relationship. Helps those who feel inferior or downtrodden following a break-up. Encourages one to outgrow role of victim or masochist in personal relationships.
MILO - Self-esteem
£ 6.25
MILO - Self-esteem

Restores self-worth to those who have been held in a restrictive environment for some time, such as a mental institution or prison. Essence increases the ability to be able to act in an independent, positive and decisive manner within a local community.
MORNING GLORY - Revitalise
£ 6.35
MORNING GLORY - Revitalise

This scrambling vine happily opens up its newest crop of gloriously deep indigo flowers every morning, along the road verge-sides of the islands. The essence is for those who feel sluggish and hung-over upon rising. Breaks vicious circle of repeatedly turning to stimulating, addictive substances with toxic by-products, such as coffee, cola or sugar to get instant energy, which result in sluggishness, tiredness or irritability upon awakening.
MOUNTAIN APPLE - (Ohi-a-'ai) - Vulnerability
£ 6.35
MOUNTAIN APPLE - (Ohi-a-'ai) - Vulnerability

A jungle tree that likes hot, humid conditions. It produces small, magenta pom-pom flowers, followed by edible "apples" for those hiking along mountain waterfall trails. Essence promotes vitality and mind over matter capabilities. Increases the determination to build the body's defences up after illness, and overcome a weakened immune system.
NAIO - Balancing Appetite
£ 6.35
NAIO - Balancing Appetite

Essence guides the soul to satisfy one's true inner needs, instead of mollifying the outer symptoms of an emotional problem with comfort foods. It helps to increase one's willpower to break addictions to chocolate, French fries, sweets, crisps, bread, icecream and alcohol. A nutritionist's help should also be sought to replace those foods with the nutrients the body really needs. For instance if you crave sugar you might look at taking Chromium. If you're tired all the time and are addicted to junk foods to get a quick energy fix, you might look at taking Vit. B6, and Vit B12, plus a general Vitamin B Complex formula, but do check with a nutritionist first. It may also be helpful to add Pink Lotus or Mango Hawaiian essence to this Naio essence.
£ 6.35

Helps one to seek inspiration in the present and future, whilst gently encouraging release of the past. Assists those who want to move forward, but haven't been able to find closure or leave the past behind, due to personal injustice, bereavement, holding a grudge or unfinished relationship issues.
£ 6.35

A magnificent magenta water lily, that rises from the depths of the water to gently scent the night air. It enhances emotional and physical enjoyment of lovemaking, dispels worries about sexual performance and improves intimacy between couples.
NOHO MALIE - Calming Agitated Minds
£ 6.35
NOHO MALIE - Calming Agitated Minds

Essence instils peace, calm and comfort in highly strung people who quickly become fearful and agitated for the smallest of reasons.
NONI - Faith in Yourself
£ 6.35
NONI - Faith in Yourself

A small tree, often found on ancient sacred grounds, which was used to cure illness by the ancient Kahuna medicine men. Essence stimulates invincible self-confidence and faith in yourself, particularly when one's confidence is being undermined by gossipers talking behind your back. Essence prevents easily overwhelmed people from being pressured into acting against their will.
NUI - (Coconut) - Perseverance
£ 6.35
NUI - (Coconut) - Perseverance

Coconut essence helps sensitive people to develop a protective outer shell, so that they can reach their greatest potential without being discouraged from their path by the opinions of others. Nurtures and aids those who lack endurance, give up easily and find it hard to meet challenges or to make tough decisions.